Saturday, July 11, 2015

WWCC Team Rules and Expectations

- Updated May 1st 2017 -
Mustang Student Athlete Code of Conduct
This is the athletic code for all Mustang athletes from WWCC
· Student athletes will conduct themselves in a responsible and respectful manner at all times.
· Student athletes will display outstanding sportsmanship and will encourage their teammates to do so as well.
· Student athletes will show respect and will be responsive to coaches and assistant coaches.
· Student athletes will follow NJCAA rules and regulations.
· Student athletes will follow WWCC rules and regulations and follow state laws.
· Student athletes will care properly for equipment issued to them and will return it by established deadlines.
· Student athletes should remember that this is first and foremost an educational experience. Coaches and students athletes shall focus on developing skill, experience, prowess and character.
· Student athletes shall not and will not be required to allow their participation in student athletics programs to interfere with other educational activities, such as fulfilling course requirements.
· Student athletes will participate in training and other development programs.
· Student athletes will adhere to safety guidelines.
· Student athletes may not consume alcohol or use illegal substances on campus. Alcohol consumption, use of tobacco or illegal substances is also prohibited when traveling for the institutions.
· Student athletes should not consume alcohol or use tobacco during the season.
· Student athletes should travel with the team unless special permission has been granted by the Athletic Director. For liability and professionalism reason, other friends and family are not allow to travel with the team.
· Failure to agree and adhere to this Code of Conduct can result in actions ranging from a reprimand to probation or even dismissal from the program. Loss of athletic grants in aid can also result.

Practice Rules 
1) Don't be Late
2) Don't Use Foul Language
3) Never Criticize a Teammate

Consequences of Breaking Practice Rules
 1) Tardiness to Training Session/Weights/Indoor Soccer/Team Meeting.
1st time late – warning (verbal and written down by coaching staff)
2nd time late –
2 extra sprints (80s) for you to run
3rd time late – Cannot start the next match/scrimmage
4th time late – Suspended for 1st half of next match/scrimmage
5th time late - Suspended for next scheduled match/scrimmage
6th time late – Team probation and possible expulsion from team

2) Not attending Training Session/Weights/Indoor Soccer/Team Meeting.
1st time miss – You will not play the first half of next scheduled match
2nd time miss – You will not play in the next scheduled match
3rd time miss – You will not play in the next two scheduled matches
4th time miss – You are suspended for the rest of the season and status for next year/semester to be determined.
(If you have to miss then you must tell us the reason why and when you will miss beforehand, we will tell you if you are excused or not. If you are excused then these consequences do not apply. Missing and not giving the coaching staff an explanation beforehand but having a valid explanation when you get back will still be counted as an unexcused miss of practice. Emergency situations will be accounted for.)

3) Not getting the soccer balls you kicked off of the practice field
For each soccer ball missing/not found = an extra sprint (80s) for team at start of next practice

Bus Rules
1) Dress according to the team dress code for that particular trip. Whether it is travel shirts, practice shirts, jerseys, warm-ups, nice clothes, casual dress etc…
2) All students are to travel with the team on the bus to the game unless special permission has been granted by the coach.
3) All students are to travel home with the team on the bus. Parents can also check out their athletes after the contest with a consent form with the coaching staff or bus driver.  Always inform coaching staff on decisions!
4) Only team members and team personnel are allowed on the bus trips.
5) Use of and possession of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs is not allowed.
6) All trash must be thrown away in the garbage while on the bus.
7) The bus must be clean when we arrive, the captains will check the bus.
8) Movies viewed on the bus need to be quality movies that will not offend others.
9) Listen to, follow and respect the bus driver and his/her rules.
10) Electronics (laptop...) are allowed (except boom boxes, flash photography)
11) Keep language clean and act like adults.

Consequence for Breaking Bus Rules
1) Dress code violation (not adhering to dress code for each bus trip)
1st time – 1 extra sprint (80s) for entire team at next practice
2nd time – 2 extra sprints (80s) for entire team at next practice
3rd time or any other time – 10 extra sprints (80s) for you at next practice

2) Not traveling on the bus with team (unexcused)
Not on bus to game (unexcused) = Will not play in game(s)
Not on bus to WWCC (unexcused) = Suspended for next scheduled game after said road trip

3) Use of or possession of alcohol, tobacco or drugs on bus
See consequences for alcohol, tobacco or drugs

4) Bus not clean after arrival from trip
1st time – 1 extra sprint (80s) for entire team at next practice
2nd time – 2 extra sprints (80s) for entire team at next practice
3rd time or any other time – 10 extra sprints (80s) for you at next practice and a team service project such as cleaning litter off of the highway

Restaurant/On the Road Rules 
1) Keep language clean and act like adults.
2) Act like an ambassador for WWCC.
3) While in gas stations/stores if you break it you buy it.
4) Shoplifting will not be tolerated.
5) All team meals will be paid for by the college. All snacks will be paid for by you.
6) Keep under budget on all trips. You cannot save up money from a previous trip.
7) Use of and possession of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs are not allowed.
8) Obey all rules of stores, restaurants etc...

 Consequence for Breaking Restaurant/ Road Rules 
1) Shoplifting (whether you are caught by me or the store)
1st time – You will be suspended for the next 4 games, you will be put on team probation, you will be turned into the proper authorities and will receive additional punishment.
2nd time – You will be suspended for the rest of the season and your status on the team for the next semester/year is in jeopardy. You will also be turned over to the proper authorities and will receive additional punishment.

2) Going over budget on meals
1st time – 1 extra sprint (80s) for entire team at next practice
2nd time – 2 extra sprints (80s) for entire team at next practice
3rd time or any other time – 10 extra sprints (80s) for you at next practice and reduced budget all trips the rest of the year.

3) Use of or possession of alcohol, tobacco or drugs in restaurant/ on the roadSee consequences for alcohol, tobacco or drugs

Hotel Rules
1) Coaching staff makes all assignments for hotel rooms. Do not change rooms without permission of the coaching staff.
2) Make sure all items in the hotel room are in proper working order upon arrival. If any item is broken or not present upon arrival then let the front desk and the coaching staff know.
3) If an item is broken or stolen in the hotel room you are responsible for the payment of the item. If no one claims responsibility of the broken or stolen item then all players in the room will split the cost of the item.
4) You will obey all curfew/room checks and light out times given to you by the coaches. Curfew/room checks are when you are to be in your room for the night, lights out is when you shut off everything and go to bed. These times will vary every night, yes you are adults but we have games to play and safety issues to consider.
5) Obey all quiet hours, dress codes and other rules of the hotel.
6) Use of and possession of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs are not allowed.

Consequence for Breaking Hotel Rules
 1) Breaking an item in the hotel room
You will pay for the item.

2) Stealing an item in the hotel room
1st time – You will pay for the item. You may be suspended for the next 2 games, you will be turned into the proper authorities if needed and you will be placed on team probation.

3) Out of your hotel room after curfew/room checks
1st time – You will be suspended for the first half of next game
2nd time – You will be suspended for the next game
3rd time – You will be suspended for the next 2 games and may not be taken on anymore over night trips that season

4) Not obeying lights out
1st time – You will not start the next game
2nd time – You will be suspended for the first half of the next game
3rd time and any other times after - You will be suspended for the next game

5) Use of or possession of alcohol, tobacco or drugs at the hotel
See consequences for alcohol, tobacco or drugs

Consequence for Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs
Alcohol, Tobacco and illegal drugs have no place in intercollegiate sports. Most of these substances including alcohol and tobacco do not help your body to be in playing condition, in fact they hurt the body and the ability to perform its best. I know that you might think that just because you are in college and an athlete that you have some kind of right to drink or use other substances. When in fact it is just the opposite because you are in college and an athlete you should not use these substances at all. You will be punished if you use these substances in season and during the off season, but using them in season you will also make lose my trust.  A player that cannot be trusted does not play a lot of minutes. It does not matter if you are caught by the college, your coaches or your teammates all offenses will be treated the same*.

1) Alcohol and Tobacco – In season or Off season
1st time – Suspended for first half of next scheduled game, information will be passed onto the college and athletic office and more consequences may follow.
2nd time – Suspended for next 1 scheduled game, information will be passed onto the college and athletic office and more consequences will follow. You will also be placed on team probation.
3rd time – Suspended for the next 3 scheduled games, information will be passed onto the college and athletic office and more consequences will follow. Your status as a member of the team for the next year/semester is in jeopardy.

2) Illegal Drug Use – In season or Off season
1st time - Suspended for next 3 scheduled games and put on team probation, information will be passed onto the college and athletic office and more consequences will follow.  May be immediately removed from the team if police involved or if offense it deemed serious by coaching staff and Athletic Director.
2nd time – You will be removed from the soccer team and lose all scholarship funds from the soccer team. Information will be passed onto the college and athletic office and more consequences will follow.

* - If the first time the coaching staff is made aware of the situation of use of these substances is by WWCC or campus security, Rock Springs Police Department etc... we will stick to the prescribed consequences.  If you inform the coaching staff before they are made aware of it from other soureces then the consequences may be lessened up to half.  In other words if you mess up come clean and talk to the coaches before we hear it from someone else.

** It does not require you to get a ticket from the college or police to be suspended for any of these violations. The coaching staff will investigate and evaluate each situation and will hold you to the consequences if they feel you are guilty even if there is not “proof” of your guilt. We cannot suspend you just because we think you have been "drinking", but if we have teammates telling us so etc… then we can hold you to the team consequences for these offenses.

Team Expectations for Classes
1) You are expected to be working towards a degree here at WWCC
2) We expect you to attend every single class that you are able to. That means if you have a lab at the same time as a practice then you attend the lab. Your practice will be excused and you will just have to make up the practice at a later time.
3) Games both home and on the road, are the only reasons that you should miss classes during your time at WWCC.
4) We expect you to be to class even if we arrive late the night before from a trip. Sleep on the bus so you can get there the next morning.
5) When we have games, you are given our departure and arrival times very early so that you can inform your professors of your absence due to soccer. We ask that you inform your professors before your absences not after.
6) We expect you to turn in all assignments, papers and other work that is being graded. We expect you to turn in your work before we leave if it is due on a day we are missing for soccer.
7) You are expected to maintain enough credits for 16 credit hours per semester at all times.
8) You need to maintain all classes percentages at a C (70%) or higher at all times.
9) You are expected to be in contact with your professors in class, via the internet etc…
10) Participate in class, don’t be a “dumb jock” that sits in the back of the class and doesn’t do anything.
11) Enjoy your learning experiences. Be involved in your own learning.
12) Seek help when needed either from your professors, other faculty, other teammates, other college students, peer tutors etc…

Team Expectations for Team Study Table
1) You will get the required hours assigned to you each week.  5 hours, 8 hours or 10 hours.  The hours are determined by your previous GPA, progress reports and midterms.
2) You will use your time wisely in study table, no time wasting such as Facebook ...
3) You will seek out professors and tutoring when needed.
4) All students should expect to be in Studying around an hour a day.

Consequences for Not Having the Required Study Hours Weekly
1st time miss – First and Last warning
2nd time miss - You will not be allowed to practice until the time is made up
3rd time miss – You will not play in the first half of the next scheduled match
4th time miss – You will not play in the next scheduled match
5th time miss – You will not play in the next two scheduled matches and placed on team probation.

6th time miss – You are suspended for the rest of the season and status for next year/semester to be determined.

Team Expectations for Dorms
1) You are expected to obey all dorm rules set up by the college.
2) Not only are you a Mustang soccer player but you are a WWCC student and must obey the rules especially in regards to alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Team punishments will result from using these items during your time here at WWCC. See section with consequences for alcohol, tobacco and drugs.
3) Just because you are an athlete does not guarantee you a spot in the dorms the next semester or the next school year. If you break the rules you are going to be held accountable just like any other student.
4) Respect the dorm room itself and treat it as good if not better than you treat your own possessions.
5) Respect the WWCC Housing directors and the Resident Assistances.

Team Expectations for Campus
1) Be involved on campus; join groups with similar interests as you.
2) Attend all other sporting activities at WWCC (women’s volleyball, women’ soccer, men’s basketball, women’s basketball and wrestling) wear WWCC Men’s soccer items if possible.
3) Try to attend other important campus events like dances, art displays, theatre plays and musicals etc…
4) Invite all peers and acquaintances to all home soccer games. Promote the team and the sport to all of those on campus.
5) Be available for interviews and comments with the campus newspaper and or radio.
6) Don’t bad mouth your teammates, the trainers, bus drivers, coaches or athletic director to others on campus. Bad press is not good press.

Team Expectations for Community
1) Be involved in the community; look for ways to be involved by community and or church groups.
2) Try to attend local sporting events at high schools and other community events.
3) Promote the WWCC Men’s soccer team to all those you come in contact with and invite people to attend our home games.
4) Be available for interviews and comments with the local press (newspaper and radio)
5) Wear WWCC soccer apparel around town and let people know who we are.
6) Rock Springs is your home, even if it is just for a short time, so make yourself comfortable and become involved.
7) Become acquainted with the town, try new restaurants, take drives, go into stores around town and remember that the local people will like and accept you because you are a member of the community now and a Mustang.
8) Don’t bad mouth your teammates, the trainers, bus drivers, coaches or athletic director to others around the community. Bad press is not good press.

Terms of Team Probation
If you are placed on team probation you must have done something very wrong or did the same thing over and over again. Our first hope is to let you learn from your mistake and correct it. It is a time for us to keep a closer eye on you and for you to prove that we can trust you in acting like you should. Your team probation can be lifted if you complete all that is asked of you.

How to lift the Team Probation
1) Agree to and sign a contract with the coach on ways to improve and not repeat the behavior(s) that got you in trouble in the first place.
2) Obey all the team rules the entire time that you are on team probation.
3) Plan and complete a service project for the school or the community. The service project must take you at least 2 hours to complete.
4) Apologize in writing or verbally to all of those who you disappointed or hurt with your actions.
5) Attend any type of group help/therapy if needed.
6) If all of the above are completed in less than 3 months after your team probation was started, you will meet with the coach and the team probation may be lifted.
7) No player will be accepted on the team the following season that is on team probation and is not making progress to lift the team probation.

What happens if I get in trouble while on Probation?
 1) It first depends on the severity of the trouble

2) For non-severe trouble such as being late to practice, missing practice, not obeying curfew etc… (basically any consequence that does not require a 2 game punishment on the 1st offense)
1st time – Team probation is extended for 6 months
2nd time – Team probation is extended for 9 months
3rd time – Team probation is extended for 12 months
4th time – Status with the team may be terminated (Interview with coach will decide)
5th time – Status with the team will be terminated (No extenuating circumstances)

3) For severe trouble such as shoplifting, alcohol, drugs etc… (basically any consequence that requires a 2 or more game punishment on the 1st offense)
1st time - Status with the team may be terminated (Interview with coach will decide)
2nd time – Status with the team will be terminated (No extenuating circumstances)

Miscellaneous Rules and Consequences
1) Being disrespectful to our coaches, opposing coaches or officials. (The action(s) will be reviewed and placed into 1 of 3 categories)
a. Mild = Disagreement (non-respectful), Back talking, questioning authority, yelling at (no cursing), non verbal disagreement (no obscene gestures) …
b. Severe = Yelling at (using curse words), Verbal and or physical threatening, non verbal disagreement (using obscene gestures) …
c. Extreme = Any unwanted physical contact, life threatening threats … 

Consequences for being disrespectful to coaches, officials …
 a. Mild = disrespect against our coaches = Two extra sprints for yourself
Disrespect against opposing coaches or officials = 1 game suspension
b. Severe = disrespect against our coaches = 1 game suspension
Disrespect against opposing coaches or officials = 3 game suspension and placed on team probation
c. Extreme = disrespect against our coaches = suspended until further notice. Status on team in jeopardy will be reviewed with coach and/or Athletic Director
Disrespect against opposing coaches or officials = suspended for the rest of the season and dismissed from any further dealings with the WWCC soccer program.

 Rules Not Covered and Promise From Coaches
Coach Atkinson knows that not all rules and their consequences are covered in these rules. For any rule or rules and their consequences not covered the coaching staff will review what has happened and make a decision.
Both Coach Atkinson and the rest of the coaching staff vow to be just and fair in dealing with any and all students regardless of who they are and their infraction. They will try to follow the set guidelines for punishments even if it may be a hard decision.
You as a player will always be able to state your case/opinion before the judgment/consequence is passed down from Coach Atkinson.
Once the consequence is given it must be followed by you the player or further consequences will follow.

1) You must be a registered full-time (12 credit hours or more) student at all times.  We expect you on the soccer team to try to complete at least 15 credits each semester.  You need 16 credits each semester to graduate in 2 years.

2) At the end of your first semester here at WWCC you must have completed the following to maintain your soccer scholarship in the 2nd semester
a. Completed a minimum of 12 credit hours
b. Accumulated a GPA of 2.5 (B/C average) or higher for that semester

3) At the end of your first year (2 semesters) for you to be eligible for a soccer scholarship your second year (3rd and 4th semester) you must have completed the following
a. Completed a minimum of 24 credit hours
b. Accumulated a GPA of 2.5 (B/C average) or higher for each semester

4) At the end of your third semester here at WWCC you must have completed the following to maintain your soccer scholarship in the 2nd semester
a. Completed a minimum of 36 credit hours
b. Accumulated a GPA of 2.5 (B/C average) or higher for each semester

5) At the end of your fourth semester here at WWCC you must have completed the following to be able to transfer to another school and compete in a soccer program. If you are academically ineligible you cannot even walk-on to another team before first correcting the problem (summer school)
a. Completed a minimum of 48 credit hours
b. Accumulated a GPA of 2.5 (B/C average) or higher for each semester
c. We would hope that you leave WWCC with a degree

6) Any player who falls 4 or more credits behind the above requirements for eligibility will not be allowed to compete with the WWCC soccer team for another 2 semesters.  Meaning if you only completed 8 credits your 1st semester of your freshman year you could not compete for WWCC until the spring of the next season (sitting out your freshman spring and sophomore fall semesters).  This ensures you take all your academic semesters seriously and have to earn your way academically back onto the team.

7) Scholarships other than soccer scholarships (academic, Hathaway etc…) have differing standards to maintain their funding. Some require more credit hours, some require a higher GPA, some require you to finish all classes that you enroll in etc… Please make sure that you know your requirements for your additional scholarship and fulfill them. Contact Financial Aid Director Nicole Castillon for additional information – 382-1642 or

8) Players may request or be asked to redshirt for a year (I would only ask a player to redshirt who would not get a lot of playing time and who plans to be at WWCC for 3 years to get their degree). You cannot receive soccer funding during your redshirt year. You will follow all college, team and academic rules like all other soccer players. You will attend all practices and home games. You will not play in any games. At the end of your redshirt year you have not used any eligibility.

9) Players who are severely injured during a WWCC men’s soccer function (game/practice) may be eligible for a medical redshirt. If you have played in more than 20 percent of the games scheduled you are no longer eligible. For most years that would mean you would have to be injured before you played in 4 games.

Academic Probation
1) Academic Probation is a Probationary state by the college to an individual after they have failed to maintain their academic eligibility while on athletic or academic scholarship.
2) You will be placed on academic probation from your soccer scholarship if you do not complete 12 hours and or fail to maintain a 2.0 GPA in any semester at the school.
3) If you are placed on academic probation then you cannot receive funding from the school.
4) You can re-take the classes with bad grades or take more credit hours to make sure that you will be eligible for the next semester. 

How to lift Academic Probation
1) Consult the college, your coaches, advisors, athletic office and financial aid. Make a plan with their help to get you back on track.
2) Do all the requirements academically to get you eligible. Mainly making sure at the end of the next semester you have the required semester hours and GPA to be eligible for the next season.
3) Agree to and sign a contract with the coach on ways to improve and not repeat the behavior(s) that got you in trouble in the first place.
4) After the next semester, if you have the required semester credit hours and GPA you must then apply for you scholarship money to be renewed to you through the financial aid office.

Consequences of Academic Probation
1) You will not be able to receive funding from the college whether it is academic scholarships or soccer scholarships while you are on academic probation.
2) You will not be eligible to play soccer the semester you are on probation. Whether it is the fall or spring season, you will be expected to practice.
3) If you complete all the requirements to revoke your academic probation for the next semester no other team punishment will be administered.
4) If you do not complete all the requirements of your contract with the coach you may lose part or all of your soccer scholarship for the next semester.
5) If you do not complete all the requirements of the academic probation with the college you cannot play soccer at WWCC or any other NJCAA, NAIA or NCAA school before you correct the situation with the academic requirements.

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